Tag: musicians

音樂是免費的午餐嗎? (二)

上回提及的音樂界兩件事件,可能只是冰山一角。但若情況持續,經濟學上的「劣幣驅逐良幣」現象便會發生,即有真材實料的音樂家不接受無償演出,結果苦無演出機會; 未合要求的音樂家接受了無償演出,但質素參差。而商業機構因已經找到音樂家無償演出,不會太理會質素。在無止境地惡性循還下,香港整體音樂水準便會不斷下降。

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Health and Wellness of Musicians

Health and wellness issues of musicians are often overlooked. From voice injury to hearing loss, back pain to carpal tunnel syndrome, musicians are prone to varying types and degrees of injury. Whether you are looking to build stamina and endurance for performance, or to reduce the likelihood of over-stressing your muscles, the following list provides a range of resources that help musicians stay in shape and prevent injuries, such as stretching exercises, techniques to improve posture and breathing, and short warm-up routines that limit damage to muscle tensions.

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Essential Warm Up Exercises for any Musicians

Whether you are a vocalist or a brass player, warming up is essential for an efficient practice session or a professional level of performance. As mentioned in our previous blog post on health and wellness of musicians, playing a musical instrument is indeed a physical activity that require us to warm up and cool down.

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